A Conversation
Short Film Concept:
Ted is sitting in his room at his computer, a version of himself dressed on white appears in the middle ground and sits on the bed behind him
The white dressed version of Ted (good ted) tries to help Ted understand that his mental health is starting to deteriorate. He hasn’t seen is friends, showered, etc in many days. Ted argues with good ted about it for a bit of time
We then see a version of ted dressed in all black (bad ted). He tries to undermine what good Ted is saying, causing Ted to ignore good Ted and start to ignore the signs of his decreasing mental health more
As the Ted becomes more and more in denial about his mental health and continues to push through his work and facade that everything is good, the bad ted moves from the background to the middle ground, and then into the foreground, standing directly behind him, hovering his hand over to touch him
Just when the audience thinks Ted is going to give up and give into dark ted, when dark ted is going to place his hand on Ted’s shoulder, good ted reminds Ted about the good times from before, the trips with friends, the mornings when he woke up next to Jenny, the laughs with his sister
At this point dark ted begins to fall back, white ted gets closer to Ted similar to how dark ted did. Ted continues to go through good memories he has, how he can create new ones just like that, he just has to talk to someone, anyone. While this happens dark ted continues to go more and more into the background and slightly out of shot
Good ted eventually puts his hand on Ted’s shoulder and passes him a phone with his other hand. Ted takes the phone as as he does that dark ted comes completely out of frame. Ted opens the contact named “Baby Sis” and calls her. When Baby Sis answers the phone and asks how Ted is, we see ted start to cry and say, “I need to talk to you about something”
Film ends with cutting to blank with the words “a conversation” in white and centred in the frame
Concept Shot Photos:
Finished Film:
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